Monday 8 December 2014

Task 5b: Ethics/Code of coduct in my workplace

In the last task I blogged my own thoughts about ethical considerations that I believe have to be taken into account when teaching, I am now going to blog about the codes of conduct I have to follow when I am going into different schools and how one schools regulations may differ from another.

All of the statements I made in task 5a are still correct but there is a lot of things that I didn't consider that I have found since researching.

I found the code of conduct for one of the schools I work at on their website named 'Safeguarding - Child Protection Policy'

Here are a few quotes I found relevant to this task
Found on

'We understand that children cannot learn effectively unless they feel secure and we recognise our responsibility to provide a school environment that promotes self-esteem and self-worth, where children are respected and valued and are confident that their concerns will be listened to and acted upon. We are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and follow our procedures to ensure that children receive effective support, protection and justice.'

'School safeguarding/ child protection aims
-To ensure that all staff are aware of their safeguarding responsibilities, are familiar with the school’s policy and are adequately trained in safeguarding procedures.

-To maintain a safe and caring environment in which our pupils can develop academically and socially; an environment where pupils know that they can talk to someone they trust, be listened to and be given appropriate support in any sensitive situation.
 -To use curricular and extra-curricular opportunities to equip pupils with the knowledge and skills they need to stay safe from abuse and to develop realistic attitudes to the responsibilities of adult life.'

These 2 quotes highlight just how important it is for the children to feel protected and safe in order for the pupils to develop.

'Types of abuse To ensure that our pupils are protected from harm, we need to understand what types of behaviour constitute abuse and neglect.
Abuse and neglect are forms of maltreatment. Somebody may abuse or neglect a child by inflicting harm, for example by hitting them, or by failing to act to prevent harm, for example by leaving a small child home alone, or leaving knives or matches within reach of an unattended toddler.
Abuse may be committed by adult men or women and by other children and young people.
There are four categories of abuse: physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect.'

The policy mentions different types of abuse (physical, emotional, sexual, neglect, bullying) and how to ensure that the pupils are protected from harm everybody needs to understand what types of behaviour constitutes abuse and neglect.

'Safer Recruitment
Our school endeavours to ensure that we do our utmost to employ ‘safe’ staff by following the guidance in Keeping Children Safe in Education (2014) together with the LSCB and the school’s individual procedures.

Safer recruitment means that all applicants will:

-complete an application form which includes their employment history
-provide two referees, including at least one who has recent experience of the applicant working with children and who can comment on the applicant’s suitability to work with children
-provide evidence of identity and qualifications
-be checked in accordance with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) regulations as appropriate to their role
-provide evidence of their right to work in the UK
-be interviewed.'

This shows just how important it is to employ safe and trusting staff and all the procedures they must go through so the school can be sure that they are employing the right people.
After reading through the policy I realised just how much there is to think about in terms of ethics when teaching young children, there is so much to take into consideration and although different schools policies may differ they all want the same outcome; the safety of the children and all members of staff.


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